
Bird News for Sunday 27th March

The Snow Goose (see Ed O'Hara's photo above) along with 4 Pink-footed Geese were amongst a mixed flock which contained Whooper Swan, Greylag and Barnacle Geese in fields just north of RSPB Portmore Lough Reserve Co. Armagh(W.Farrelly/P.West/E/O'Hara)

25/30 Waxwing were at Harberton Park off Balmoral Avenue in Belfast at 2pm. They returned there at 6pm (Kate Doherty)

3 and possibly up to 6 Great Spotted Woodpecker were at Downpatrick and the female Smew still on the River Quoile (same location as below) .(N.Price et al )

100 Golden Plover were at Ballyquintin and 3 Sandwich Tern at Ballyhenry. A fem/imm Smew and 3 Sand Martin were at Collectors Bay at the Quoile Pondage
(Keith Bennett).

20 Stock Dove and 200 Woodpigeon were in a stubble field at Portavo Reservoir (Richard Weyl)

25/30 Waxwing were at Harberton Park off Balmoral Avenue in Belfast at 2pm. They returned there at 6pm (Kate Doherty).

At Strangford Lough 10 GN Diver were at Marlfield. Another 8 GN Diver were at Gransha and 2 at Kircubbin. 8 BT Diver were south of Gransaha Point. A Chiffchaff was at Kearney (Richard Weyl).

A DB Brent, 130 Pale-bellied, 2 PF Geese, 2 adult Mediterranean Gull, 3
Greenshank and a Gadwall were at Glynn in Larne Lough (Cameron Moore).

A Chiffchaff was at Castle Espie WWT (Dot Blakely).

4 Sandwich Tern were back on Cockle Island at Groomsport. A Sandwich Tern was at Portaferry at 14 Slavonian Grebe at Greyabbey Bay South (George

Summer arrivals are arriving daily Sand Martins were reported from the Quoile and Carlingford Lough, Chiffchaffs were calling everywhere in Co.Ferm along with a singing Blackcap and on Thurs. a House Martin was reported from Co.Armagh.

Our thanks to Mark Killops who kindly sent in this superb image of a Dipper on the River Cusher in Tandragee Co.Armagh.

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