
Bird News for Thursday 31st March

The Great Grey Shrike dominates to-days news,but there was a few other things around as well.

15 Waxwing were on the West Circular Road in Belfast (I.Graham)

A male RN Duck was at Templewater in Castleward (Spencer and Joan Marshall).

10 Waxwing were at Belfast City Hall (Chris and Tim Murphy).

50 Manx Shearwater (the first reported) went past Kearney Point over one hour. A female Brambling and 2 Tree Sparrow were at Kircubbin (Keith Bennett).

A third year Iceland Gull, Peregrine, Chiffchaff and Sand Martin were at Enniskillen Tip (Brad Robson).

A Red Kite flew over the A1 at Banbridge and 2 Buzzard farther up the road
(Fulton Somerville).

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