
Bird News Monday 21st March

The drake Ring-necked Duck was at Craigavon balancing Lake (Ed O'Hara)
At Larne Lough 3 Mediterranean Gull (2 adult and a second winter), a DB Brent, 2 PF Geese and 7 Greenshank were off Glynn Station (Cameron Moore).
7 RT Diver were off Ballymacormick Point with 130 Golden Plover, 13 Dunlin and 14 Brent at the Lagoon there. A BT Diver and 4 Purple Sandpiper were at Briggs Rocks (Jim Whitla, Margaret Adamson)
32 Brambling were recorded in a private garden in Co. Armagh (Andrew Poots
2 Great-spotted Woodpecker were at Tullybrannigan Road, Newcastle (Irish Birding)

Late news for yesterday:  A Red Kite was seen flying north by the main A6 just outside Drumahoe - (by Lismacarol ). (Davy Hunter)

Ring-necked Duck: Ed O'Hara

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