
Bird News Saturday 5th March

Yesterday 20 Waxwing were in Larne (David Gillespie).

The drake Ferruginous Duck was at Lurgan Park lake. 30 Scaup were at Oxford Island and 31 Whooper Swans at Closet Meadows.
Ferruginous Duck - Ed O'Hara

Greater Scaup - Ed O'Hara
A drake Ring-necked Duck was at Ports, Newtownbutler, Co. Fermanagh. (Walter Veale) 
The 1st Winter drake Ring-necked Duck (now in adult plumage) was at Lough Cowey. 6 Great Northern Diver and 2 Slavonian Grebe were at Kircubbin (Keith Bennett)
3 Velvet Scoter were at Murlough, with the Common Scoter.
3 Black Throated and a Red throated Diver were between Kircubbin and Gransha Point. 28 Slavonian Grebe, a RT Diver and 2 BT Diver (one in near summer plumage) were at Greyabbey (Richard Weyl).
The second winter Common Gull with the dark mantle showing characteristics of Russian heinei Common Gull was still at Lurgan Park Lake (Stephen Foster).
A male Brambling was in a garden in Ballymena (Richard Gray).

A Third Winter Kumliens Gull, 3 adult Yellow-legged Gulls and an adult Intermedius \ fuscus Lesser Black-backed were at Enniskillen Dump. (Is this now the only dump in NI which attracts gulls?)
Melanistic Pheasant, Carnfunock Country Park - George McKee

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