
Bird News Sunday 6th March

The male Ring Necked Duck was at Lough Cowey and a female/immature Smew off the hide at Quoile Pondage (Keith Bennett).

2 Pink Footed Geese were with 30 Greylag at Clea Lakes (Richard Weyl).

A Dark Bellied Brent, 2 Greenshank, a Carrion Crow and 3 Mediterranean Gull (2 adult and a first winter) were off Glynn Station in Larne Lough (Cameron Moore).

A wintering Chiffchaff was singing at Antrim Road Waterworks in Belfast and a Blackcap in a garden in Skegoneill (Stuart McKee).

50 Waxwing at Carnmoney in Belfast (Irish Birding).

Some late news. A flock of 25 Bewick's Swan at Myroe Levels on 24th February was the highest count here since February 2003 (Kerry Leonard).

Reedy Flats had 150 Whoopers, 1000 Golden Plover, 100 Curlew, and 200 Greater Scaup
Oxford Island had 2 Ruddy Duck (Ed O'Hara).

Thanks To Ed For This Shot Of A Ruddy Duck At Oxford Island Today

Ruddy Duck, Oxford Island - Ed O'Hara

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