
Bird News Wednesday 2nd March

Late news from yesterday eight Waxwing were feeding in gardens on the Beechill Road in South Belfast. (James Robinson).

3 Little Egret, 6 Brent, 250 Greylag, 5 Red Breasted Merganser and large numbers
of Shelduck were between the Roe and Myroe (C Stewart).

The first winter male Ring Necked Duck was at Ballyherly Lough and a female/immature Smew at the Quoile Pondage (H McCullough).

A Barn Owl was at Crossgar roundabout at 7.30pm. It flew up the Ballynahinch
Road (Spencer Marshall).

At Larne Lough the Dark Bellied Brent and Long Tailed Duck were off Glynn Station. An adult Mediterranean Gull was also seen (Cameron Moore).

Yesterday a Short Eared Owl was at Carnalbanagh before flying off north (Don Scott).

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