
Bird News for Saturday 16th April

At Strangford Lough a Slavonian Grebe was at Greyabbey and 4 BT Diver and 6GN Diver at Gransha Point. A House Martin, 20 Swallow and 20 Sand Martinwere at Saltwater Bridge. 32 Purple Sandpiper and 2 White Wagtail were atPortavogie (Richard Weyl) The adult RB Gull was at Portrush East Strand car park and 5 Whimbrel at Ramore Head (Matthew Tickner). 4 Red Grouse were displaying on the Antrim Plateau and 2 Dipper in thestream at Capanagh (Keith Bennett). Yesterday 6 House Martin were at Killyleagh (Spencer and Joan Marshall).

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