
Bird News for Monday 18th April.

An Osprey was seen on the Upper Lough Erne Co.Ferm.(Giles Knight) A flock of Waxwing was at the Antrim road end of the Waterworks in Belfast.Singing Blackcaps were along the railway embankment at the Gasworks inBelfast and at the churchyard near Carlisle Circus (Larry Toal) 2 White Wagtail and a Wheatear were at Ramore Head and good numbers of Sandwich Tern and Manx Shearwater passing in the evening. A Sedge Warblerwas at Corbally Dam (Matthew Tickner). 12 Wheatear and 2 Cuckoo were at Slieve Beagh and another Cuckoo atCarrickmore viewpoint (Martin McMullan). Yesterday a first year Glaucous Gull was at Corbally Dam and on Saturday a first year Iceland Gull near the information at the Giant's Causeway (ColinGuy).

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