
Bird News for Monday 4th April.

The Great Grey Shrike was seen again this morning, but only briefly conditions this morning were pretty bleak, strong winds and driving rain. (I.Graham)
At Belfast City Hall 31 Waxwing were at Donegall Square West opposite the Centra (Paul McCullough)
10 Waxwing were along the Antrim Road in Belfast near the Waterworks (Larry Toal)
18 Waxwing were at Sainsbury's car park in Carrickfergus (Gerard McGeehan)
A walk between Scarva and Lough Shark produced 12 Chiffchaff, 13 Willow warbler, a Blackcap, 4 House Martin, 2 Buzzard, 2 Grey Heron and 120 Woodpigeon (Fulton Somerville)
Many thanks to Craig Nash for the pictures of two feeding Red Grouse:
Female Red Grouse - Craig Nash
Male Red Grouse - Craig Nash

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