
Bird News for Thurs 7th April

The Great Grey Shrike was still at Slievenacloy. A male Ring Ouzel was on the same slope above the road but quite elusive amongst the bushes. A Swallow was also present (Richard Gray).
A Common Tern and Sandwich Tern were at Kinnegar shore (Stuart McKee).
The Great Grey Shrike was present at 6pm. Also present were 4 Wheatear, a Swallow, 2 Sand Martin and 2 Willow Warbler (Richard Weyl).
Willow Warblers, Swallows, Blackcaps and Sandwich Terns are commonly back at Killough. Yesterday a Grey Partridge was between Killough and Downpatrick. It originated from birds released there last year (Chris Murphy).
As you can see from above our summer visitors are arriving on a daily basis now, still there is a few still missing, the first Cuckoo has yet to be heard and who will see the first Swift. With this lovely warm weather we are all enjoying at the moment shouldn't be to long before even they arrive.

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