
Bird News Sunday 10th April

A Great Grey Shrike was just east of Binevenagh Forest, Co. L'derry at C717311. It was feeding from the top of spruce trees from 8.30 to 9am (Larry Toal)
8 Waxwing were still at Sainsburys, Carrickfergus (Pauline Majury)
A White-tailed Eagle was seen at Slievenora on the Antrim Plateau, viewed from Altarichard. (Keith Bennett)
A Curlew Sandpiper was at the Bann Estuary, 1.5km south of the hide (Neal Warnock)
A White Wagtail was at Kearney and 8 GN Diver at Marlfield (Richard Weyl).
2 Whitethroat were at Killard this morning - 11 days earlier than previous records here (Craig Nash)
A male Brambling was at Richhill, Co. Armagh (Andrew Poots)
The Ring-billed Gull was still at East Strand car park, Portrush (Irish Birding)
A Pink-footed Goose and 6 Slavonian Grebes were off Myroe Levels.
Waxwing, Carrickfergus - Pauline Majury
Great Crested Grebes, Oxford Island - George McKee
Goldfinch - Andrew Poots

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