
Bird News Thursday 14th April

40 Waxwing were at the top of Fortwilliam Park, along the Antrim Road at 6:45am (Larry Toal)
Up to 1100 summer plumage Golden Plover were at the Belfast Harbour RSPB Reserve (Stuart McKee)
A Green Sandpiper was at the River Lagan at Donacloney (Ted Rolston)
A Peregrine was seen over the First Trust HQ, Belfast
A Grasshopper Warbler was at Slievenacloy but there was no sign of the Ring Ouzel. (Ian Mitchell)
Yesterday evening, 47 Willow Warbler, 16 Chiffchaff, 9 Blackcap, a Grasshopper warbler and 2 displaying Woodcock were at Peatlands Park (Stephen Hewitt)
830 Black Tailed Godwit were at Lough Beg. A Grasshopper warbler at Church Island and a Long Eared Owl (David Steel)

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