
Bird News Thursday 21st April

An unidentified warbler has been singing between the two lakes at Criagavon. From the road at the north lake go round the side of the lake and go over the bridge connecting the two. Take the obvious track into the rough ground and walk around 300 metres and the bird was singing in a willow bush by the side of the railway track. Its very distinctive song singles it out from the many Willow Warblers in area. Its identity has not yet been confirmed but Iberian Chiffchaff or a hybrid has not been ruled out.
A Ring Ouzel was at Black Mountain. It was in an area known locally as "The Gully" near the BBC mast (Paul Toner).

7 White Wagtail and a Whimbrel were at Ramore Head (Matthew Toner).
4/5 Common Tern were at Quoile Pondage. A Grasshopper Warbler, 4/5 Willow Warbler and 2 Blackcap were singing along the road to the yacht club and 3 probably Barnacle Geese flew over (Spencer and Joan Marshall).
A House Martin was at Bessbrook (Frank Carroll).
A Grasshopper Warbler was at Ballyquintin Farm (Seamus McGohan).
A Swift was seen today at Ormeau Park, Belfast (Keith Bennett)
2 Grasshopper Warblers, a Sedge Warbler, and a Garden Warbler, at  Derryvore/Crom, Co Fermanagh. A male kestrel was also at Belturbet, Co, Cavan. (Stephen Scarlett/Stewart Jennings)
3 Common Sandpiper were at McConnells Weir, Ormeau Embankment, Belfast (Paul McCullough)
Reed Bunting - George McKee

Wren - George McKee

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