
Bird News Tuesday 12th April

A Ring Ouzel was seen again at Slievenacloy (Paul Toner). In south Down the female or immature Smew and a Common Sandpiper were at the Quoile Pondage. A House Martin and 150 Sand Martin were at Great Dam (Chris Murphy).
64 Black Headed Gulls were at Crom in Co. Fermanagh. (Stephen Scarlett). Yesterday a Red Kite was at Slieveanorra and 20 Gannet at Benbane Head (Mark McMullan.
Thanks to George McKee for these shots of Wheatears taken on the shores of Strangford Lough today.

Wheatear, Strangford Lough - George McKee Wheatear, Strangford Lough - George McKee

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