
Bird News Friday 20th May

A Cuckoo was at Oakwood Integrated Primary School, Derriaghy. (Clive Mellon)
A Carrion Crow was at Magheramorne (Matthew Tickner, Brad Robson).
There was no sign of the Purple Heron at Boomer's Dam but 2 Sedge Warbler, 4 Willow Warbler, 2 Chiffchaff, 30 House Martin, 6 Swallow and 6 Swift were noted. You can drive down a lane there to see the dam as long as you ask permission first (Andy Elliott).
A Hen Harrier has been seen near Hillsborough over the last few days.
Yesterday a Garden Warbler (rare outside Fermanagh) was seen and heard at the heronry at Delamont (Spencer&Joan Marshall).
In Donegal, a Lapland Bunting was at Tory Island (Tim Murphy)

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