
Bird News Sunday 15th May

2 male Garganey were at Lough Beg. A Quail was calling along the western
shore and 25 Arctic Tern were at Church Island (David Steele).

A Red Kite was between Downpatrick and Killough. 2 Reed Warbler were at
Strand Lough and 2 Red Throated Diver and a Whimbrel at St John's Point

A Spotted Flycatcher was at Castle Espie (Dot Blakely).

2 Reed Warbler and 100+ Swifts were at the Kinnegoe Hide at Oxford Island and a pair of Garganey were at Portmore. (Ed O'Hara/Mark McMullan).

The escaped White Stork was still on playing fields opposite the Asda store in Downpatrick. (Irish Birding).

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