
Bird News Sunday 1st May

4 Dotterel were showing well this morning at Ballyquintin Point, Co. Down (Garry Armstrong)
(3 of the birds can be seen above, click on photo for better image- Ian Graham)
Directions - Ballyquinton Point is south of Kearney heading towards Portaferry, although not signposted the lane to the point has a yellow neighborhood watch sign, drive along this lane until you come to a car-park on your right hand side. From the car park look straight ahead and you will notice a white coastguard look-out post, the birds where in the ploughed field next to the look-out.
3 Wood Sandpiper were at the south west corner of Lough Beg (David Steel)
A female Yellow Wagtail was at the marsh immediately south of Portvogie between 12.00 and 12.30. Also at Ballyquintin 6 golden plover and 30 whimbrel.  15 whimbrel at Kearney and 10 south of Portavogie. (Richard Weyl
Lady's Bay, Lough Neagh had 17 Whimbrel and Portmore lough had 3 Jack Snipe (Ed O'Hara)
30 Swift were at Oxford Island (David Knight)

Thanks to Angus Kennedy for the shot of a Wood Warbler, taken at Bannagher Glen yesterday:

Wood Warbler, Bannagher Glen - Angus Kennedy

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