
Bird News Tuesday 17th May

The Quail was still singing at Lough Beg in the vicinity of Coney Island on the western shore, the two drake Garganey, four Arctic Tern and five Red Breasted Merganser were also present on the Beg. (David Steele).

A Purple Heron was found this afternoon by Dave Allen and Clive Mellon at Boomers Resevoir, Deriaghy Rd, Lisburn. It was seen to fly off South East at 2:44. There have been high numbers of Purple Herons in Britain recently so worth keeping an eye out for!
A female type Marsh Harrier was at Tully Ratty Dam, Castle Ward, Co. Down (Irish Birding)

All photos of the Purple Heron courtesy of Clive Mellon:

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