
Bird News Wednesday 25th May

An Arctic Skua was off Groomsport. (Irish Birding).

At Killard there were 20 Dunlin with 30 Manx Shearwaters and good numbers of Gannets offshore. At Castle Espie there are about 250 pairs of nesting Black Headed Gulls, up fom just 12 pairs last year. (Craig Nash).

Late news from yesterday evening, at the back of the Portrush Countryside Centre were 2 Purple Sandpipers, 5 Turnstone and a summer plummaged Great Northern Diver. (Ian Enlander).

Below is a picture of the possible Icelandic Redpoll on Tory Island yesterday, this bird was found by Grace Meenan not Tim Murphy as originally reported. The picture is rather blurred having been taken at distance through a window. Chris Murphy has suggested that, whilst the bird may well be an Icelandic Redpoll, because of the complicated taxonomy of the Redpoll family it is not possible to be certain. If you have any comments or thoughts on the bird please get in touch with ourselves or Chris.

Possible Icelandic Redpoll, Tory Island -Grace Meenan

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