
Bird News for Sunday 24th July

2 Mediterranean Gulls, an adult and a juvenile, as well as 126 Red Breasted Mergansers and a Siskin were at Glyn, Larne Lough, 2 Peregrines were on the Antrim Plateau. (Jeff Larkin).

A female Kestrel was at Star Bog Road and 2 Buzzards were at Shane's Hill, Larne. (Stephen Maxwell & Stevie Maxwell).

Thanks to Stephen Maxwell for these excellent Kestrel pictures.

Kestrel - Stephen Maxwell

Kestrel - Stephen Maxwell

An Osprey(see below) was giving excellent views from the main hide at Collector's Bay, Quoile pondage between 12.30-13.20.(G.Armstrong/P.West)

A moulting ad Mediterranean Gull (centre bird below) was on the beach just south of Kilclief castle.

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