
Bird News for Thurs. 7th July.

The two Pacific Golden Plovers remain at Myroe Co.Londonderry, they were joined to-day by a sum. plum. Curlew Sandpiper a Little Stint, 4 Sanderling and 100 Black-tailed Godwits so a superb selection of waders there at the moment.Also several Wheatears and 5 White Wagtails (G.McGeehan/S.Dunlop/C.Sharpe/J.Devlin).

A Grasshopper Warbler was singing mid-way between Millbridge and the Spa, Ballynahinch Co.Down.

23 Black -tailed Godwit were on the lower Lough Erne Islands Co.Ferm.(B.Robson)

A White-tailed Eagle(presumed wing tagged) was seen at Glenshesk Co.Antrim (Laurie Davies)

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