
Bird News Friday 15th July

The 2 Pacific Golden Plover were present at Myroe until just after 1.00 p.m. when they flew out to Lough Foyle. Also present were the Curlew Sandpiper, a Knot, 10 Sanderling and 100 Dunlin. (David Steele).

A Reed Warbler was calling at Loughinisland. (Richard Weyl).

In Co. Antrim a female Merlin with three young were seen, also seen were a Kestrel and a pair of Spotted Flycatchers. (Jason Starbucks, Stevie Stewart, Scott Young & Drew Middleton).

Thanks to Mark Killops, Drew Middleton and Ian Jackson for todays pictures.

Reed Warbler, Oxford Island - Mark Killops

Merlin - Drew Middleton

Kittiwake, Kilkeel Harbour - Ian Jackson

Kittiwake, Kilkeel Harbour - Ian Jackson

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