
Bird News Saturday 20th August

An Alpine Swift was seen over the Edgewater estate in Donaghadee this evening, it was seen with a large flock of other hirundines (James Robinson) The Edgewater estate is the last development coming out of Donaghadee heading towards Millisle.

The Wilson's Phalarope was still present at Belfast RSPB. (Ed O'Hara).
Also 2 Ruff, 8 Knot and 20 Bar-tailed Godwits ( I.Graham)

A Merlin was at Burnish viewpoint, Newry. (Frank Carroll).

On the Ards peninsula, 10 Whimbrel were at Ballyquintin Point and a juvenile Red Kite north of Greyabbey (Jim Whitla, Fulton Somerville).

2 Little Egret were at Kinnegar (Ricky McQuillan).

The drake Eider of the American race Dresseri, now undergoing its annual moult, was at Ballyhiernan Bay, Fanad, Co. Donegal. (Wilton Farrelly)

Thanks to Des Gillespie for yhis shot of the Wilson's Phalarope.

Wilson's Phalarope - Des Gillespie

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