
Bird News Thursday 4th August

Picture of the Hobby this evening photo by Ian Graham

The Hobby has been seen this afternoon and evening at Montiaghs Moss (directions and details in previous posting). The bird has a bad right leg, and probably bacause of this, it favours sitting on fence posts and low branches. (Walter Veale, Philip West, Garry Armstrong et al)

In the area this morning were a pair of Sparrowhawks flying and calling over the wood near the junction along Moytown Rd. Also 1 Snipe and singing Willow Warbler (Norma Perceval-Price)

10 Whimbrel and 2 Sanderling were at Kinnegar Shore. Another Whimbrel and a Gadwall were at RSPB Reserve (Stuart McKee).

2 Whimbrel were at Larne Promenade (Paul McCullough).

4 Sand Martin were at Six Mile Water in Antrim (Andy Elliott).

Goldfinch - Stuart McKee

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