
Bird News Wednesday 24th August

The Wilsons Phalarope was still present at Belfast Lough RSPB reserve.

A possible Yellow Legged Gull, not confirmed as the wing pattern was not seen, was with the Lesser Black Backed Gulls at Reedy Flats along the Armagh shore of Lough Neagh, a Whooper Swan and 3 Goldeneye were also seen. Yesterday 11 Ringed Plover, 12 Dunlin and 6 Goldeneye were at Reedy Flats and Portmore Lough had a moulting Slavonian Grebe, 260 Gadwall. a Shoveler and 6 Wigeon. (Oscar Campbell).

A Kingfisher was at Stranmillis Weir in Belfast. (Irish Birding).

Thanks to Slawomir Starzynski for these excellent shots taken at Belfast Lough RSPB reserve and Kinnegoe shore at the weekend.

Little Egret - Slawomir Starzynski

Little Egret - Slawomir Starzynski

Black Tailed Godwit - Slawomir Starzynski

Black Tailed Godwit - Slawomir Starzynski

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