
Bird News Wednesday 31st August

A Green Sandpiper and 2 Ruff, 2 juvenile Ringed Plover, 100 Lapwing and 40 Black Headed Gull were at Lady/Sandy Bays, Lough Neagh. (Neil Warnock/Vernon Carter).

Along the Armagh shore of Lough Neagh 25 Dunlin, 2 Turnstone, 8 Ruff, 2 Knot, a Bar Tailed Godwit, 4 Whimbrel and 6 Black Tailed Godwit were at Reedy Flat, 19 Goldeneye, 5 Common Tern and 2 Whooper Swan were also seen and 32 White Wagtail and 2 Wheatear were nearby in a field at Ardmore church. (Oscar Campbell).

2 Curlew Sandpiper and 8 Ruff were at Belfast Lough RSPB reserve. (Gerard McGeehan).

A possible Lesser Yellowlegs was reported near the Twelve Arches at Dundrum Inner Bay South. (Leonard Charles).

Late news from yesterday, 3 Sanderling and 300 Starling were at Lady Bay, Lough Neagh, a Common Tern and 35/40 Tree Sparrow were at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve. (Vernon Carter).
Little Grebe - Robert McDowell

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