
Bird News Wednesday 3rd August

A Hobby was at Montiaghs and has been for the last week. It favours perching on fence posts in a small field opposite the junction of the Moytown and Featherbed Roads. Tonight it was catching dragonflies and is a second calendar year bird. It appears to have an injured leg (Stephen Foster).

2 Curlew Sandpiper, 2 Greenshank and a Common Sandpiper were at Belfast Lough RSPB Reserve (Paul Scott \ Brian Holloway)

An Immature White-tailed Eagle was seen on Lower Lough Erne (Brad Robson)
3 Crossbill were on Windsor Avenue, Befast

48 Turnstone,8 Purple Sandpiper,22 Meadow Pipit, and a Wheatear were between Portandoo and Ramore Head, Portrush (M.Tickner)

With the disappointing news about the Barn Owls below, we can advise that this year Hen Harriers have thankfully remained stable at 59 breeding pairs, with birds seen in all six counties. Concerns have however been expressed about some land use changes in the south west of the province and in particualr upland shooting interests at some breeding locations.
Grey Heron - Robert McDowell

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