
Peregrines in NI

Whilst concern over many breeding raptors continue in NI, the 2011 nesting season was a particularly successful one in many parts of Northern Ireland for the Peregrine.
At least 62 pairs were located and 50 of these fledged 135 young. The average number of young per successful nest (2.7) was the highest recorded since the present study started in 1977. The North Antrim Coast, Fermanagh and South Antrim all had good seasons but site occupancy and nesting success in County Armagh, the Belfast Hills and the Sperrins was significantly reduced due to persecution. While most sites were checked, any additional information would be welcomed. Adult Peregrines are regularly seen throughout the nesting season in the Belfast (particularly the Shipyard/harbour area) but nesting has not been proved there since 2001. Any information on this mystery would be much appreciated by the Northern Ireland Raptor Study Group. Please feel free to send information in and we will pass in confidence to the NIRSG.
(The above information was approved for publication by the NIRSG)

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