
Bird News for Friday 16th September

A juv. Black Tern was over Lough Beg Co.Londonderry.(D.Steele)

A juvenile Little Stint was seen briefly at Belfast Harbour RSPB (Guy Hamilton).

A Hen Harrier and a Kingfisher were at Lower Lough Erne and a Woodcock at Belleck Co.Ferm.(Irishbirding)

11 common scoter, 300+ guillemot, 50 razorbill, 15 sandwich tern & a puffin off Newcastle harbour this morning. This afternoon 7 buzzard, a kestrel, 3 raven & a red kite were at Dechomet.(A.Mc Clure)

Copeland Bird Observatory in the morning had 3 Common Scoter, 5 Arctic Skua going south, a Pomarine Skua going west, 28 Sandwich Tern, 20 Swallow and 2 House Martin (Neville McKee).

Buff-breasted Sandpipers seem to be everywhere in Ireland at the moment, Tacumshin had 11 of them to-day and Loop Head Co.Clare had 8. A bit closer to home, 2 were on Tory Island, obviously brought in by the latest hurricane which hit the west coast earlier in the week, with one already reported from Tuesday at Myroe, this weekend may produce a few more.

Photo of a Buff-breast taken at Tacumshin a few weeks ago.

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