
Bird News Tuesday 20th September

A juvenile Sabine's Gull was swimming just off the harbour wall at Carnlough (Colin Guy).

A Little Gull and Whimbrel were at Quoile Pondage and a Raven at Crossgar (Spencer & Joan Marshall).

Out at Killard today were 100's of Swallows and Housemartins and 1 Juvenile Swift, 70+ Goldfinches 17 Wheatear, numerous Meadow Pipits 1 Kestrel 16 Turnstone and 6 Dunlin.
At Tullymurry were 60 sandwich Terns with at least 8 ringed and 3 Golden Plover. (Craig Nash)
Swift - Craig Nash
A juvenille Curlew Sandpiper was at Sandy Bay, Larne Lough (Neal Warnock)
Bird News of the day in Ireland is the finding of a Hudsonian Whimbrel by Paul Moore at Mizen Head, a first for Ireland! (Irish Birding)  
Many thanks to Mrs D McGimpsey for reporting this unusual bird from her garden in east Belfast! Wheatears have been seen in good numbers around the coast in the last few weeks but this is an excellent suburban 'garden tick'.
Wheatear, Belfast - D McGimpsey

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