
Bird News Wednesday 28th September

There are now 2 Buff Breasted Sandpipers at the ploughed field at Kirkistown (at 6pm). There were also 3 Ruff and 40 Golden Plover at this time. (Richard Weyl). However the American Golden Plover was seen at the site earlier this afternoon
A Great Skua and a Black Tern were in Rathlin Sound (Matthew Tickner).
At Larne Lough 11 Greenshank, 2 Mediterranean Gull (adult winter and second winter) and 2 Little Egret were off Glynn Station (Cameron Moore).
A juvenile Curlew Sandpiper was at Belfast Harbour RSPB (Stuart McKee).

Many thanks to Slawomir Starznyski for this superb shot of a Black-tailed Godwit at the Bann Estuary:

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