
Bird news for Thurs. 27th October

A Long-tailed Duck was at Drain's Bay. Larne Lough and a juv. Arctic Tern at Browns Bay(K.Leonard)

There is a report of a Rough-legged Buzzard (a 'fly by' bird, heading south!) at St John's Point at 1.30pm. A Merlin was also present (Warren Fowles).

At Larne Lough the male Goosander and 10 Little Egret were at Ballycarry Bridge. 26 Whooper Swan, a Kingfisher and 2 Greenshank were off Glynn (Cameron Moore).

2 Buzzard were at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (R McQuillan).

Yesterday 7 Crossbill, 60 Redwing and 20 Fieldfare were at Castle Caldwell in Fermanagh (Brad Robson).

Many thanks to Joe Lamont for this picture of the Cattle Egret from Tuesday. No further reports this week!
Cattle Egret, Kinnegar Shore - Joe Lamont

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