
Bird News for Thursday 20th October

A Snow Bunting put a brief appearance at Orlock Point this morning. (R.Price)

An Iceland Gull and a Ring-billed Gull were at at Portrush.(Irishbirding)

8 Pink footed Geese were at Myroe.(Irishbirding)

Copeland Bird Observatory had a Coal Tit (unusual there), 3 Goldcrest, 11 Blackbird, 2 Redwing, 42 Lesser Redpoll, 15 Greenfinch, 32 Chaffinch, 2 Twite, 19 Meadow Pipit, 9 Siskin, 95 Starling, 2 Sparrowhawk, a Hen Harrier and 2 Arctic Skua (Kerry Leonard).

The second winter Ring-billed Gull still showing at Groomsport car park.

51 Whooper Swan with 8 young as well as 21 Greylag and Barnacle Goose were at Larne Lough (Joe Lamont). A Gadwall and 51 Whooper were off Glynn (Cameron Moore).

Yesterday at Lough Foyle at Snow Bunting was at Balls Point and a Wheatear and 10 Whooper Swan at Magilligan (George Henderson).

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