
Brent Geese

The estimated 35,000 Brent Geese which have been counted in Strangford Lough this autumn are now starting to disperse around Ireland. They are always a great bird to watch with the possibility of something rarer such as a Black Brant (and will we someday get a wild Red-breasted Goose with them?). They do have strong family bonds and it is common to see family parties. Indeed it is noticeable that there have been good numbers of juveniles this Autumn.
David Hill has sent in this superb shot of three Brent in flight along the north coast. The two birds on the left are juvenilles and can be told as such due to their darker belly, the pale edging to the upperwing coverts (giving the 'barred' impression), and an indistinct neck collar. This photograph captures the differences excellently!
Brent Geese, Longfield Point  - David Hill

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