
Bird News Monday 19th December

The 3 Tundra Bean Geese and 2 Greenland Whitefronts were still in the fields beside Portmore. At Portmore the male Smew, a Water Rail and a female Merlin were seen along with the Marsh Harrier which was seen at 10.30a.m. At Hillsborough Lake the Cattle Egret came in to roost at 4.00p.m. (Jason Starbuck, Stevie Stewart, Scott Young).
The adult Ring Billed Gull was still at Portrush East Strand - see picture below. (Guy Hamilton)
12 Whooper Swans and a Bar Tailed Godwit were at the Bann estuary. (Jeff McIntyre).
The 2nd winter Ring Billed Gull was still at Groomsport and 24 Whooper Swans flew west over Ballyholme.
Yesterday a Snow Bunting was at the landfill site at the Hightown Road above Glengormley. (Larry Toal).
Thanks to Guy Hamilton, Jeff Silvers and Craig Nash for today's pictures.
 Ring Billed Gull - Guy Hamilton

      Tree Sparrow - Craig Nash

Chaffinch - Craig Nash

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