
Bird News Saturday 10th December

The Cattle Egret was present again on the island in Hillsborough Park Lake this afternoon, it was only visible from the eastern side of the lake. (Garry Armstrong).

The Great Northern Diver was present again on the Craigavon Balancing Lakes and the Long Tailed Duck, a Water Rail, 3 Ruddy Duck and 6 Scaup were at Oxford Island, see the pictures below. (Ed O'Hara, Mark Killops, Mark McMullan).

The male Red Crested Pochard was still at Lurgan Park Lake. (Stephen Foster).

An immature Marsh Harrier was at Portmore Lough and 4 Greenland Whitefronts in the fields between Portmore and Lough Neagh. (Paul Toner).

A Grey Phalarope was seen down to 20 feet from a boat at the back of Muck Island off Island Magee. (David Galbraith).

A first winter Glaucous Gull and an adult Mediterranean Gull were at Ardglass and 2 Pintail at the Quoile Pondage. (Keith Bennett/ Tim Murphy)

9 Twite and a Purple Sandpiper were along the seafront at Whitehead. (Cameron Moore).

An adult Little Gull and 2 Great Northern Divers were off St John's Point and a Black Throated Diver and 3 Great Northern Divers were off Newcastle.

12 Purple Sandpipers were at Blackrock.

A Red Kite was at Ardnabannon and a Buzzard at Ballylough.

145 Sanderling were at Ballykinler with 750 Common Scoter off shore.

Thanks to Ed O'Hara and Stephen Maxwell for todays pictures:

Great Northern Diver - Ed O'Hara

Water Rail - Ed O'Hara

Long Tailed Duck - Ed O'Hara

Treecreeper - Stephen Maxwell

Robin - Stephen Maxwell

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