
Bird News Thursday 22nd December

The drake Green-winged Teal was still at RSPB Belfast Lough. (Keith Bennett)

A Sanderling and a Dunlin were with approximately 40 Ringed Plover in the East Strand car park at Portrush. A Great Northern Diver was in the harbour. (Geoff McIntyre).

A Woodcock flew over the Ballynahinch Road in Dromara this evening. (Adam McClure).

200 Pied Wagtails were roosting at Bridge Street in Belfast city centre. (David Clarke).

Yesterday the Black Swan was still at Toomebridge. (Tony McCormack).

Thanks to Stephen Maxwell and Geoff McIntyre for todays pictures.

Red Breasted Merganser - Stephen Maxwell

Eider - Stephen Maxwell

Sanderling, Dunlin & Ringed Plover - Geoff McIntyre

 Oystercatchers - Geoff McIntyre

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