
Bird News Friday 6th January

The Bonaparte's Gull was at Ballygally this afternoon, on the beach just north of the Ballygally Hotel. A 2nd winter Iceland Gull and 2 Purple Sandpipers were at the Round Tower beside the Princess Victoria memorial in Larne. (Ed O'Hara)
A Short-eared Owl and a Jack Snipe were seen at Killard. The very dark Kumlien's was still in Ardglass Harbour together with at least 6 Iceland Gulls (four 1st w, two 2nd w) and two 1st w Glaucous Gulls (Chris Murphy).
In Fermanagh 8 Iceland Gulls, an adult, 2 2nd winter and 5 1st winter, were at Enniskiilen tip. (Brad Robson).
Along the Outer Ards a 1st winter Iceland Gull was on the shore at Ballywhiskin. (Guy Hamilton). A 2nd winter Iceland Gull was at Knockinelder Bay and at Strangford Lough a Little Egret and 2 Stock Doves were at the Dorn and a Barn Owl at Anne's Point. (Richard Grey).
A 1st winter Iceland Gull was at Belfast Harbour lagoon. (Gerard McGeehan, Andy Elliott).
An adult Iceland Gull was at the Gobbins at Islandmagee. (David Galbraith).
Ballymacormick Point between 8.30 and 9.30 had 94 Red Throated Divers flying west into Belfast Lough as well as 8 indeterminate Divers. (George Henderson). Briggs Rocks had 3 Red Throated Diver, 3 Whooper Swan and 2 Great Northern Diver. (Colin Guy).
The 2nd winter Ring Billed Gull was  still Groomsport.
On the Antrim side of Belfast Lough 12 Red Throated and 2 Great Northern Divers were off Whitehead between 8.30 and 9.30. 23 Red Throated Diver and 30 Bottle Nosed Dolphin were at Portmuck on Islandmagee. (Ian Enlander).

The Richards Pipit was again looked for today but no sign.

Thanks to Ed O'Hara for todays pictures

Bonaparte's Gull - Ed O'Hara

Bonaparte's Gull - Ed O'Hara

 Purple Sandpiper - Ed O'Hara

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