
Bird News Monday 30th January

At Ardglass, the Ross's Gull was now coming into the inner harbour. Also two Little Egrets were present. (Lorraine Benson / Chris Murphy)
The Cattle Egret flew in to Hillsborough Lake at 16.35 then flew off and came back to roost at 17:00 (Birdguides)
A Velvet Scoter was offshore of Murlough today
Killard had a Sandwich Tern (Chris Murphy)
Along the north coast the adult Ring-billed Gull was at Portrush East Strand car park. 5 Glaucous Gull and 12 Iceland Gull were at Corbally Dam (one third winter showing characteristics of Kumlien's). The leucistic Herring Gull was still present there. A white owl at Castlerock was phoned in to the office at RSPB but no other details are known at this time (Matthew Tickner).
A Short-eared Owl was still at Killard Point (Guy Hamilton).
9 Redwing were at Cherryvale Playing Fields, Ravenhill Road, Belfast (Ryan Bradley) 
A Black-throated Diver was at Groomsport (George Gordon).

Yesterday 2 Brambling and a Siskin were in a garden in Carrickfergus (Shirley Dunlop).
During the month the following have been seen at Ardglass: 1 Ross's; min 3 Kumlien's; two 2w Iceland/Kumlien's; min.15-20 Iceland Gulls; min 5 Glaucous Gulls; 1 Med Gull; plus Eider, Great Northern Diver, Gannet, Little Egret, Peregrine, Sparrowhawk, Purple Sandpiper, Greenshank and Black Redstart. This is a fantastic array of birds for the harbour! Thanks to Craig Nash for the pics below from Ardglass:
Iceland Gull, Ardglass - Craig Nash

Kittiwake, Ardglass - Craig Nash
Many thanks to Donal Foley for the picture of the Siberian Ciffchaff at the Oxford Island visitor centre yesterday:

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