
Bird News Sunday 1st January 2012

4 Twite were at Glenarm (Pauline Majury)
Two Iceland Gull were at Corbally Reservoir, Portrush (Brian Downey)
The Ring-billed gull was still at Groomsport (Richard Weyl)
The Marsh Harrier, a male Smew and 50 Tree vSparrow were at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve and 2 Ruddy Duck were at Oxford Island. (Ed O'Hara, Colm McQuillan).
3 Velvet Scoter and 40 Common Scoter were off Whiteabbey in Belfast Lough. (Irish Birding).
The adult Bonaparte's Gull was seen briefly at Ballygally and the 2nd winter Mediterranean Gull was again at Drains Bay.
3 first winter Iceland Gull and a first winter Glaucous Gull were at Ardglass Harbour (Chris Murphy).
The Green-winged Teal was at Belfast Harbour Lagoon (George Gordon).
A Chiffchaff was at Oxford Island today. The Great Northern Diver was still at Craigavon lakes (Mark Killops)

Many thanks to Pauline for the Twite pic, to John Clarke for the Long-eared Owl picture and to Alistair Prentice for the Dunnock, Blackbird and Great Tit pictures:

Twite - Pauline Majury

Long Eared Owl - John Clarke

Dunnock - Alistair Prentice 

Blackbird - Alistair Prentice 

Great Tit - Alistair Prentice

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