
Bird News Sunday 22nd January

The Ross's Gull was still at Ardglass harbour, also present were upto 12 Iceland Gull, 5 Kumlien's Gull and a juvenile Glaucous Gull. The Kumlien's Gull were 2 1st year, 2 2nd year and an adult. (Chris Murphy).
In Killough the Black Redstart was on the beach by the harbour, a Stonechat was also present, 4 Sandwich Terns were feeding in the outer harbour and a Stonechat and 21 Redpoll were in Chris Murphy's garden. (Philip West, Chris Murphy, Gerard McGeehan, Shirley Dunlop).

The Cattle Egret went to roost on the island in Hillsborough Lake at 4.00p.m. (Garry Armstrong).

The adult Bonaparte's Gull was at Bay Road in Larne.

At Ballyquintin Point there was a 1st winter Glaucous Gull, 3 Gannet and 2 Little Egret, and at Portaferry a 2nd winter Iceland Gull. (Richard Weyl).

At Myroe Levels there was a 2nd winter Iceland Gull showing characteristics of Kumlien's Gull, also present were a 1st winter Iceland Gull, 2 is winter and a 2nd winter Mediterranean Gull. (Neal Warnock).

The male Smew and the Marsh Harrier were both present at Portmore Lough RSPB reserve, a Barnacle Goose was with Greylags and Whooper Swans north of the reserve. 3 Pinkfeet were with 50 Greylag and 60 Whooper Swans at Reedy Flats. (Ed O'Hara).

A female Brambling and a female Yellowhammer were visiting a garden in Richill. (Andrew Poots).

Thje juvenile Iceland Gull was still at Lagan Weir in Belfast.

Snow Buntings were still at the old landfill site at Hightown Road above Glengormley. (Larry Toal).

Along the Antrim coast an adult Iceland Gull flew north at Drains Bay. It was seen later at Glenarm. (Stuart McKee).

The 2nd winter Ring Billed Gull was still at Groomsport.

The male Smew was still at Inch in Donegal. (David Hill).

Thanks to Warren Fowles, Neal Warnock, Andrew Poots, Ed O'Hara, David Hill, George Stewart and Stephen Maxwell for todays pictures.

Ross's Gull - Warren Fowles
Iceland Gull - Neil Warnock
Yellowhammer - Andrew Poots
Tree Sparrow - Andrew Poots
Tree Sparrow - Ed O'Hara
Smew - David Hill
Gadwall - David Hill
Jay - George Stewart
Buzzard - Stephen Maxwell

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