
Bird News Thursday 19th January

The adult Ross's Gull was showing throughout the day in Ardglass Harbour! Also 2 Kumliens, up to 15 Icelands and 2 Glaucs (Neal Warnock, Paul Scott)
In Lough Foyle, there were 1 juv Glaucous and 5 Iceland Gulls (Birdguides)
A first winter Iceland Gull was at Lagan Weir (Brian Downey)
A third winter Iceland Gull was in Newcastle Harbour (Birdguides)
Today in co. Armagh, 1 Barnacle Goose, 2 Pink-footed Geese and 280 Greylag Geese were at Ardmore Shore Lough Neagh. The male Red-crested Pochard and a Chiffchaff were at Oxford Island (Joe Devlin)
A Sandwich Tern was at Killard and a Jack Snipe at Tullyratty Dam. (Richard Weyl)

Many thanks to Neal for the excellent shots of the Ross's:

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