
Bird News Thursday 5th January

Adult Bonaparte's, adult Iceland gull and 2nd w Glaucous gull at sandy Bay/ Larne harbour (Neal Warnock)

A first winter Kumlien's Gull, 5 Iceland (4 first winter and a second winter) and a first winter Glaucous Gull were at Ardglass Harbour (Tom Ennis, Guy Hamilton).

The adult Bonaparte's Gull was also seen at the outfall at Larne Harbour and 2 Red Grouse and a Raven were along Star Bog Road (Joe Lamont).

Around Belfast a Bullfinch and Sparrowhawk were at Ballysillan Playing Fields (Andy Elliott). A Kestrel was along Hightown Road and three Snipe at Cave Hill Country Park (R McQuillan).

Two Little Egret were in Victoria Park, Belfast.(R.Lort)

The second winter Ring-billed Gull was at Groomsport.

A Woodcock flew over the Dromore Road just outside Ballynahinch this evening.(A Mc Clure)

In Donegal 2 Velvet Scoter (adult and first winter males), 4 Iceland Gull and a Black-throated Diver were between Rossnowlagh and Murvagh (Brad Robson). 2 Iceland Gull were at the mouth of the river at Ballyshannon (Fionnbarr Cross)

The Richard's Pipit was looked for to-day, in reasonable calm conditions, but unfortunately no success.

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