
Bird News Tuesday 3rd January

The weather was awful and for those who braved looking for the Richards Pipit, there was no luck in relocating it. However it will definitely be worthwhile looking for it when the weather settles.
The Bonaparte's Gull was seen this morning along with a Mediteranean Gull at Ballygalley (Brian Downey)
The influx of Iceland Gulls continues with 4 at Enniskillen dump (Brad Robson)
A Glaucous Gull was at Ballycastle Harbour (Irish Birding)
7 Sandwich Tern (2 adult and 5 first winter) were at Killyleagh (Spencer and Joan Marshall).
7 Red-breasted Merganser were at Loughshore, Jordanstown (Stephen Maxwell)
Yesterday a leucistic Common Gull was at Newcastle Harbour (Stephen Foster)

Many thanks for all who continue to send in photographs:
Smew, Portmore Lough, 2nd January - Mark Killops

Bonaparte's Gull - Nigel Moore

Bonaparte's Gull - Nigel Moore

Leucistic Common Gull, Newcastle - Stephen Foster

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