
Bird News for Thursday 2nd February

The Richards Pipit was seen again this morning and again this afternoon at Killard Point. (R.Price/M.Taylor/Irishbirding) It is now starting to be seen on a regular basis within the area indicated below. When flushed it sometimes gives a very House Sparrow like shreep call, so keep your eyes and ears open.
Continuing the theme of rare gulls a juv. Thayer's Gull has just been identified from photographs taken of the bird just this week. The bird has been seen on Enniskillen dump. Originally found around Christmas time by Brad Robson it has been seen twice since then.(Irishbirding)
A second winter Ring-billed Gull was at Whitehouse Lagoon (Neal Warnock)

An adult Kumlien's Gull was seen at Ardglass, along with three juveniles today; also 15+ Iceland Gull and 3 Glaucous Gull. There was no mention of the Ross's Gull been seen.

An adult Iceland Gull was seen of Glynn Co Antrim.

At Larne Lough as well as the Iceland Gull four Grey Plover were at Glynn and a Dark-bellied Brent at Church Bay (Cameron Moore).

On the Antrim side of Belfast Lough 167 Red-throated Divers flew west into the Lough past Whitehead between 8 and 9am (Ian Enlander).

Yesterday evening at dusk a Short-eared Owl was at Briggs Rocks near Groomsport (Colin Guy).

In Donegal a first winter Ring-necked Duck was at Durnesh Lough at Rossnowlagh (Brad Robson).

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