
Bird News Tuesday 28th February

The distinctive 1st winter Brent Goose considered to be a Grey-bellied Brent was still present at Killough. (Chris Murphy).

The two Iceland Gulls were still at Lagan Weir in Belfast this afternoon. (Philip West).

Around Strangford the 4 Russian Whitefronted Geese were in the fields at Greyabbey. The Red Necked Grebe was at Herring Bay and 6 Slavonian Grebe at Greyabbey Bay South. A Mediterranean Gull and a Greenshank were in the bay beside the Gasworks. (Joe Lamont).

2 male Brambling, 3 Siskin and 5 Linnet were at Carrickfergus. (Shirley Dunlop).

A Bewick's Swan was with 71 Whooper Swan along Kinnegoe Embankment beside Oxford Island. 60 Tree Sparrow were at Derrytrasna and 30 Fieldfare at Derrycrow. (George Gordon).

A high count of 79 Purple Sandpiper and 5 Sanderling were at Portandoo in Portrush. (Matthew Tickner).

Thanks to Craig Nash and Cameron Moore for todays excellent pictures.

Ringed Plover - Craig Nash

Purple Sandpiper - Cameron Moore

Purple Sandpiper - Cameron Moore

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