
Bird News Wednesday 1st February

The Richards Pipit was showing this morning on the north side of Killard Point. The Ross's Gull was also showing at Ardglass Harbour (Hugh Delaney, John Coveney, Dermot Hughes)
A Little Gull was at Benderg Beach and a Little Egret was also seen at Killard Headland (Dermot Hughes)
A first winter Iceland Gull was at Kinnegar Shore, Belfast (Paul Scott)
Circa 700 Whoopers are aound Myroe at present (Charles Stewart)
The flock of 30/40 Snow Bunting was still at the old landfill site at Hightown Road above Glengormley (Joe Lamont).
130/150 Pied Wagtail were roosting in the palm trees at Bridge Street along the seafront in Bangor (Derek Polley).
The Cattle Egret flew in to roost at Hillsborough Park Lake just after 5pm (Joe Lamont).
On the Antrim side of Belfast Lough 5 Long-tailed Duck, 2 Whooper Swan, a Great Northern Diver and an Iceland Gull were at Greenisland Sea Park (Gerard McGeehan).
Yesterday a drake Smew was at Drumgay Lough, Co. Fermangh. With the cold snap on the Continent, it is perhaps surprising that there have not been more records recently.

If you have any bird news, please report it to

Greylag Goose, picked up on the Shore Rd, Belfast whilst doing the school run! Now at Whitehouse Lagoon - Jim McKeown

Herring Gull with fish hook, Ardglass - Craig Nash

Drake Red-breasted Merganser - David Hill

Whoopers with Mute Swan, Myroe - Charles Stewart

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