
Bird News Wednesday 8th February

A Snowy Owl was photographed at Altikeeragh in Londonderry at C729322 by P Dennison but appears to have moved on. This is probably the "large white owl" reported to RSPB recently at Castlerock (Nick Moran).

Two Iceland Gulls were at Larne Lough - an adult and a 2nd-winter on Swan Island. A Goosander was of Glynn Station (Cameron Moore \ Neal Warnock)
The Thayers Gull was looked for in Enniskillen but not seen. An adult Kumlien's Gull and 7 Iceland Gulls were however at the tip.
The Bonaparte's Gull was again at Ballygalley, on the slipway late afternoon.

A male Goosander was along the river at Waterfoot and an adult Glaucous Gull and a second-winter Iceland Gull in a field just outside Ballyvoy along the Antrim coast (Colin Guy).

The Richard's Pipit was looked for without success but 7 Iceland, 2 Glaucous and 2 Kumlien's Gulls were at Arglasss (Stuart McKee).

Two Little Egret were at Dundrum Bay (Rob McAllister)
Little Egrets - Rob McAllister
Black-tailed Godwit - Stephen Maxwell

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