
Bird News for Thursday 8th March.

Between 600-700 birds were in a mixed flock of both Whooper Swan and Grey Geese at Myroe, at least 38 of these were Greenland White-fronted Geese (photo below).A large flock of 3500 Golden Plover were north of the Roe Estuary.(C.Stewart)

The two Iceland Gull were still at McConnell's Weir in Belfast.

Along the Outer Ards a female Long-tailed Duck was at Ballyhalbert (Ian Turkington).

The second-winter Ring-billed Gull and 2 Carrion Crow were at Groomsport.

1000 Golden Plover were at the Belfast RSPB harbour estate. (J.McKeown)

Our thanks to Charles Stewart for his images from Myroe of Greenland White-fronted Geese and a Little Egret and also to Alistair Prentice who sent in the images of the Bullfinch and a busy female Blackbird.

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