
Bird News Monday 9th April

The American Wigeon was still at Portmore today. Also present were a large flock of Golden Plover and a Pink foot . A pair of Gadwall were at Lady Bay. (Nigel Moore/Chris Harper)

1st year Iceland and Mediterranean Gulls were at Black Arch, Drains Bay, Co Antrim. A 2nd year Iceland Gull was at Portmuck, Islandmagee. A White Wagtail was at Sandy Bay (Neal Warnock)

Ballyquintin (Down) today had 1 Short-eared Owl still present; 1 Peregrine; ca 5 Purple Sandpipers with turnstones (Keith Bennett). Later 3 Short-eared Owl and 7 Whimbrel were seen (Richard Weyl)

2 Sandwich Tern, 200+ Black Tailed Godwit and 8 Golden Plover were at Belfast RSPB reserve. (Chris Harper).

A singing Blackcap and a calling Chiffchaff were at Comber Greenway, 4 Gadwall and 4 Little Grebe were on the lake at Billy Neill Playing Fields between Dundonald and Comber. (Stephen Maxwell).

The first-year Glaucous Gull was still at Groomsport. Three Iceland Gulls (2 adults and a second-year) were at Corbally Dam in Portrush (Colin Guy).

An adult Iceland Gull and a Little Egret were at Whitehouse Lagoon in Belfast (Stuart McKee).

A Buzzard was in a field beside Redburn Country Park in Holywood (Ricky McQuillan).

Thanks to Christine Cassidy,Cecil Smyth and Stephen Maxwell for todays pictures.

Eider - Cecil Smyth

Buzzard - Cecil Smyth

Blackcap - Stephen Maxwell

Gadwall - Stephen Maxwell
Kestrel - Christine Cassidy
Meadow Pipit - Christine Cassidy

Little Grebe - Stephen Maxwell

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